The Richard Propper Memorial Scholarship

The Richard Propper Memorial Scholarship
This memorial scholarship honors the legacy of a man devoted to the South Bronx community and values education as the foundation for opportunity. This scholarship will award $500 to two (2) students in the business management program.
Eligible applicants must:

  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Provide documentation of academic or personal financial need
    Preference may be extended to residents of the Bronx.
    All applications and required materials must be submitted through the scholarship system. Incomplete and paper applications won’t be considered.
    All applications and required materials must be submitted online through the scholarship system. Paper applications will not be accepted, and incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • * Once Awarded this is a one-time scholarship
    All applications and required materials must be submitted online through the scholarship system. Paper applications will not be accepted, and incomplete applications will not be considered.
    For questions or assistance in the application process, contact the scholarship office at or (718) 518-4166.*

Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe your educational and professional goals.
  2. Are you currently matriculated at Hostos?
  3. Describe your Financial Need and explain how receiving this scholarship will help you achieve your educational and career goals(make sure to explain your career goals clearly).
  4. Is your cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher?
  5. Please upload documents that support the financial need or extenuating circumstances described. Examples of documents can be a bursar receipt that shows a current tuition balance, needing money for books or other school materials, or any other personal need such as late rent, past due electric or medical bill, etc
  6. Is your declared major at Hostos Business Management?
  7. Please write the donor a message of appreciation.
  8. Show 2 more